Format | 3 flaskor |
Säljstart | 21 april 10:00 |
Artikelnummer | 51775 |
Pris | 999:- |
Beställ från Systembolaget |
Sedan några år tillbaka producerar Anders Frederik Steen vin i Frankrike. I Köpenhamn var Anders med och startade Relæ och Manfreds, och med tiden blev han ansvarig för deras vinprogram och import. 2013 lämnade han restaurang- och vinimportscenen och började göra vin med sin favoritvinproducent – Jean-Marc Brignot. Tillsammans gjorde de två årgångar, men sedan 2015 driver Anders tillsammans med hustrun Anne Bruun Blauert sin egen domän i Valvignères, Ardèche.
Druvorna kommer dels från familjen Oustric (Le Mazel), dels från egna ekologiskt odlade marker en bit utanför byn. Dessutom får han lite frukt från vänner i Alsace. Anders låter kreativiteten spela fritt och arbetar gärna med en kombination av direktpressning och maceration, antingen avstjälkat eller inte. De olika druvsorterna blandas redan innan jäsning, sedan får musten jäsa spontant i glasfibertankar och lagras vidare på jästfällningen. Vinerna varken klarnas eller filtreras och buteljeras helt utan tillsatser. De upplevs ofta sprittande pigga och friskt bäriga.
Läs Anders egna beskrivningar här nedan!
"Grenache Blanc 60% and Viognier 40%. 13,5% alc. Both varieties pressed for 3-4 days vertically on the wooden pressoir of Le Mazel. The juice was directly transferred into our oak foudre where the following fermentation took place. We didn’t make any soutirage – we left the wine on the yeast. “I can see on the other side of the Valley” is bottled the 11th of July 2020 with 8-10 grams of residual sugar, which is still present in the wine – so a little light sweetness.
A white wine with a light sweet expression of exotic fruits and flowers, jasmines, white roses, litchi, almost pineapple-like flavours. All these aromas are followed up by both saltiness and acidity extracted from the skins when the grapes were pressed."
"Assemblage of Syrah 40% and Merlot 30%, but also Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache Noir and Cinsault. 13% alc. All pressurage direct and following fermentation in fiber tank. A very fast and short fermentation. We finished harvest the 7th of September and we bottled the rosé the 30th of October 2020, less than 2 months after. We have never experienced a fermentation that fast, not ever. No sugar left, no soutirage – we didn’t have time.
Peach is back - but not in the usual Peachy-style - this 2020 Peach is in flavors a very expressive rosé with perfumes similar to roses, other warm summer flowers and with a very charming fruity side."
"Raisins de Table (Muscat blanc, Muscat Noir, Chasselas, Italia, Ribol Noir and Cardinal), Syrah & Grenache Blanc. 13,5% alc. The destemmed Raisins de Table and Grenache Blanc have been macerated in the pressurage direct juice of Syrah, for 6 weeks. After maceration the grapes were pressed for 3 days in our little vertical pressoir. The following fermentation took place in barriques for almost 11 months without soutirage. All fermentation has been on the yeast (sur lie). Bottled the 22nd of August 2020. Light red wine with a very solid expression. Many things are going on, on an aromatic level. Both Muscat and Grenache Blanc are very easily recognized."